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Catering nieuws (486)

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Even Jackson — who arrived vowing to change the culture, presumably of catering to Carmelo — backed away from an early hard negotiating line with Anthony, a free agent last summer, and spent much of the past season trying to assure him that more ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Times

As the official food and beverage sponsor for the SSA, Neo Garden Catering will provide meals for volunteers, officials and VIP guests for meets here, including the 5th FINA World Junior Championships in Singapore (Aug 25-30), the Singapore-leg of the ...

Datum: | Bron: TODAYonline

Earlier this week, the Guardian reported that a subsidiary of Compass Group, the British catering and services giant, took bribes from counterparts in the Kazakh government for lucrative contacts. The scandal was exposed last year when Karim Pabani ...

Datum: | Bron: The Diplomat

Sales tax on catering may be the largest difference between Greece and its creditors as they negotiate rescue arrangements this week, according to two European Union officials. The rate of value-added tax is the main sticking point to getting a deal ...

Datum: | Bron: Kathimerini

SCHEPDAAL - Nu het einde van het schooljaar nadert, worden door KaDee Catering uit Schepdaal de laatste warme maaltijden geleverd aan scholen. Sinds 2001 was KaDee Catering leverancier van warme maaltijden voor heel wat scholen en instellingen ...

Datum: | Bron: Persinfo.org

ASSEN - Vanaf vandaag zijn de cateringmedewerkers op het TT Circuit in Assen volop aan de slag. Ze treffen de voorbereidingen voor de grote drukte die vanaf donderdag losbarst rondom de 85e editie van het motorevenement. Vanuit het TT ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Drenthe

22-06-2015 Uit onderzoek van Charles Spence, hoogleraar en experimenteel psycholoog van Oxford University, blijkt dat geluid invloed heeft op smaak. Spence voerde het onderzoek uit met de Sony Multiroom Audio. Deze zogenaamde multizintuiglijke ...

Datum: | Bron: Facto

A number of selective secondary schools catering for the country's most able pupils will be set up within the next few years, according to one of the country's leading grammar school heads. The new breed of schools will not have the grammar school ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

OFTEN much-maligned, it is no surprise that hospital food pops up as a topic in Superhospital, which starts on television next Thursday at 9pm on ITV. Star of mealtimes in the first of four programmes shot at the Royal Derby Hospital, is catering ...

Datum: | Bron: Derby Telegraph

For the last 25 years, Arlene Rotfeld of Shackamaxon Caterers has been providing full service, creative catering with spectacular results in Philadelphia, New York City and, of course, the Hamptons. While Rotfeld would advise that any prospective party ...

Datum: | Bron: Dan's Papers

De 23-jarige Tom Schluter uit Almelo is de nieuwe website Hapjesbesteld.nl gestart waar klanten en cateraars elkaar kunnen treffen. Hij is niet de enige aanbieder die vraag en aanbod in de catering bij elkaar brengt. 'Maar de opzet is anders dan die ...

Datum: | Bron: Misset Horeca

Marktcijfers - De omzet van eten en drinken buitenshuis heeft in periode 5 (20 april t/m 17 mei) een mooie groei laten zien ten opzichte van 2014: +5,8%. De stijging zit vooral in de horeca (+8%). De waarde in de catering van bedrijfsleven en ...

Datum: | Bron: @FoodClicks

Westerbork - Als je de catering mag doen bij RetroPop en de TT in de Asser binnenstad dan doe je het goed. En met vooral het goed verzorgen van de catering heeft Striethouldt Catering uit Westerbork deze klussen binnengehaald.

Datum: | Bron: dekrantvanmiddendrenthe.nl

Health bosses have ordered a halt to a new cleaning and catering regime at the city's hospitals. They have instructed Interserve, the private company responsible for the services, to abandon the roll out of a scheme to combine cleaning and catering ...

Datum: | Bron: Leicester Mercury

Brown Sugar Catering has something to celebrate. In the past year, this stable catering business has received a tremendous spike in sales. Recent studies show the demand for fresh, "real" food is on the rise and that is just one of the reasons why ...

Datum: | Bron: Hartford Courant

Black Dress Catering and King's Plate Catering were selected, but there were further delays as contract details were ironed out. On June 16 council approved the signing of the contracts which will give the caterers exclusive use of the Keeler Centre ...

Datum: | Bron: Northumberland Today

Kwaliteit speelt in de aanbesteding van catering in nog geen kwart van de gevallen een doorslaggevende rol. En dat terwijl een kwaliteitsgerichte aanbesteding bijdraagt aan verhoging van de vitaliteit en productiviteit van mensen én aan verduurzaming ...

Datum: | Bron: Misset Horeca

The three daily trains from Hyderabad to Chennai, Charminar, Hyderabad and Kachiguda to Egmore, are not catering to the needs of commuters. A daily train with at least three AC chair car coaches on the lines of Janmabhoomi Express is likely to be ...

Datum: | Bron: The Hindu

MINNEAPOLIS, June 16, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Catersource and the International Caterers Association (ICA) highlight the unique culinary scene of Salt Lake City, the host city for their upcoming event, The Art of Catering Food. The culinary ...

Datum: | Bron: PR Newswire (press release)

Philip Pang, with his 19 years of experience in real estate investment, is taking to a different tack to the major developers that have focused on luxury residential properties for foreign buyers in Macau. As a partner at Telok Real Estate Partners ...

Datum: | Bron: South China Morning Post (subscription)

16-06-2015 Wordt dit de nieuwe manier van serveren in Nederlandse horecagelegenheden, en misschien straks ook in het bedrijfsrestaurant als iemand een glas melk bestelt? Nee, natuurlijk niet, maar uniek is het wel. De zanger van de Utrechtse band ...

Datum: | Bron: Facto

EXCLUSIVE: Mucho Mas Media, a partnership between Pelican Point Media and Texican Media, has pacted with Brillstein Entertainment Partners to co-produce feature films with mainstream appeal for the growing U.S. Latino audience. And this segment of ...

Datum: | Bron: Deadline

The average cost of a wedding in the UK is just over £24,000, with £3,000 of that spent on catering (according to Brides Magazine). While we all want our wedding celebration to go with a swing, there's nothing less romantic than starting married life ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraph.co.uk

Werknemersorganisaties FNV Catering, CNV, De Unie en werkgeversorganisatie Veneca hebben een akkoord bereikt over een nieuwe cao contractcatering die per 1 juli 2015 van kracht gaat. In de nieuwe cao hebben werknemers recht op een ...

Datum: | Bron: Misset Horeca

Catering analyst Wouter Verkerk believes that terraces will be the next target for a smoking ban. According to him, it is only a matter of time before the outdoor area will also be a smoke-free zone. “More and more customers are asking for a smoke-free ...

Datum: | Bron: NL Times
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